Asexual Reproduction

- only needs one female or male to reproduce

- shorter time since they don't have to find a mate

- Can reproduce without the fertilization of another man or woman

I think overall this way of reproduction is better because it is easier & faster & you don't have to worry about finding a mate.  Being able to reproduce makes things a lot easier on the species & it is easier to keep the species going.

Sexual Reproduction

- needs both a female & male to reproduce

- harder to mate

- longer to have the baby

I think overall this way is obviously possible, but is way harder then reproducing asexually.  The reasons are because you have to find a mate, and the process is much longer as well as having the baby takes more time.  I think if all species reproduced asexually they would have a larger population & it would be hard to become extinct.
Today I will be talking about how our frog dissection in Science relates to the real world surgery.

Honestly I don't think these two are that alike.  The main reason why I say that is because frogs & humans have a ton of differences in their bodies & body parts.  They are also obviously different creatures.  Frogs are amphibians & humans are mammals.  One thing that was similar in our dissection was that we had to locate the body parts & be super careful.  Real surgeons have to make sure as well that they don't hurt or damage other body parts when they are working on the one they need to fix.  I also learned surgery is almost impossible!   Especially in a frog!  It is so tiny inside & its dark and hard to see what is what.  I know its bigger in a human body & they have better lighting & tools that actually help them.  Overall I know there are some similarities, but there aren't that many.




Today the blog post will be about eyes & how they work.

We learned about eyes for only a few days in science & we had a huge test that pretty much everyone I know didn't do to well on!  I don't think we covered it very well & I don't remember a lot about it but I do know a little.  What I do know is that the way we see images are not only linked to our eyes, but also to our brain.  Our eyes take in the image, but our brain makes something out of them, (or processes them).  This is taken to the brain by the optic nerve which pokes out of the eye.  We had little time, but we still got to dissect the eyeball of a sheep which was kinda cool, it was just really gross!!  I hope we review this unit in eighth grade because right now I don't feel that I fully understand it.
A rainbow is an image that appears in the sky.   A rainbow consists of ROYGBIV which is the acronym for the colors you see in the rainbow which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.  

A rainbow forms when the light in the raindrops combine with the sun and reflect out the colors of the rainbow.  Rainbows often form right after rain ends & when the sun comes out.  That is because when the light from the sun condense with the scattering of the droplets of rain the colors form and the light bounces down to the atmosphere. So next time you see a rainbow you will know what is really happening behind the beautiful colors.  Usually I would know more about this subject but we didn't even study it yet so i'm not sure what else to say.  I just looked it up online really quick and this is what I remember from google.
Since we still haven't learned about this in science I had to look it up online.  I just found A random website about science.  I found out that the reason is scattering.

Scattering is when all the colors of ROYGBIV or the rainbow come down to earth and the array of colors ends up making the sky blue. The sky appears blue, but it really doesn't have a color.  The color we see is an arrangement of all the colors of the rainbow which are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.  The shorter way of saying this is ROYGBIV, which is the first letter of all the colors.   It also makes the oceans blue.  That is all I know so I'm not sure what else to say.  
I don't exactly know why we are dong this blog because we haven't learned anything about this yet, but apparently we are supposed to guess why the sky is blue.  So I think the sky is blue because of all the light rays from the sun & the air and everything so that is my theory.

I'm pretty sure it's wrong, but I have no idea whats right since we haven't even gotten close to this subject so that is my best guess.  I think the sky's color has to do with the sun and the moon because obviously at night time it is almost black and when it is day it is bright blue so I think it has something to with the sun.  Also another sign is that when clouds cover the sun, the sky gets darker so I know the sun plays some part in why the sky is blue.  I also heard that the sky influences the color of the oceans & that is why we see clear water to be blue.   But I don't really know much about this subject so that is all I have to say.

Today I will  be explaining about fossils in Antartica.  Many of the fossils that were found in Antartica are from animals that couldn't possibly live there today.  They couldn't endure the harsh climate & they wouldn't survive. So the question is why are they found there?

The reason is that millions of years ago when our earth was new we didn't have continents.  We only had one large supercontinent named Pangea.  It was when all the continents were together as one.  Before all the continents were separated. So anyways the point is that al animals kind of lived everywhere.  On this massive piece of and, there wasn't that much of a change in climate.  So animals that died millions of years ago, would have left fossils that went through the breakup of Pangea, the early ages or our Earth, and all the way to be discovered in the modern day.  Fossils found in Antartica aren't rare, but they are few & far between.  Fossils that are found that don't belong there are really something to keep, they are evidence of our Earths past.  They pretty much prove Pangea's existence and the life before our time.  
Our blog post today will be about our animal research project we are doing.  So basically we choose an animal and do some research on it and then we are going to make a website for it.  We are doing it for our local zoo, The Chaffee Zoo & it is done in groups because it is going to be a lot of work.

My group got the Giant Anteater.  We are all doing different animals, but we didn't get to choose which animal we wanted.  So each of us in my group are doing a different part of the project so I am doing two pages since for some reason we were only allowed to have three people in our group when every other class had four.  So the three of us have to do four pages of work so we split it up and Vivian did a part, Kiana did a part, and then I did two parts which isn't a big deal.  So I ended up doing the reproduction page & 
Quizlet is a website that allows you to make online flashcards.  On quizlet you can also play games that hep you memorize the cards.
We usually make a quizlet for every unit in science.  I don't normally study from quizlet because it is super boring to me,but I do study from the book.  I think we should just study from making real flashcards instead of just making online ones.  I think we could learn better,and we could learn better,and it would be faster.  Plus everyone just uses the auto define, but it isn't really teaching anyone anything.  If i had them in my hands instead of on a computer I would probably be more likely to study instead of having to take out your computer and stare at a screen and I usually get sidetracked when I'm on the internet anyways so that doesnt help at all.  I just think there is easier ways to make flashcards or to study for science, like why don't we ever just use a book anymore???? I don't know,but the book is easier and actually teaches us stuff the way it is meant to be instead of using someone else's definition.
Charles darwin discovered the theory of evoluution alongside some important cientists and a ton of research.  That will be what i'm talking about today.

Darwin went on a boat around a large part of the world  making new discoveries.  He happened to come across what is now the Gallapagos Islands and that is where he made many discoveries.  He studied Finches, which are a little bird that have many adaptions that help it survive in such a wet and humid climate.  Darwin soon found out that they had obviously changed overtime and that was what he called evolution.  He studied alongside many scientists, yet he took the boat trip alone.