Today I will be talking about the good & bad effects of the Columbian Exchange.  In case you didn't know the Columbian exchange was an event marked in history that transferred culture, food, animals, and plants from the old world to the new world.

People in the time benefited a lot from it because they used the old ideas & made them better for the new world.  They also traded & they both got things they didn't have before.  Some not so good things were that if there were that many people there, if someone had a disease, it quickly spread.  Many diseases were spread from the old world to the new world through the Columbian Exchange.  Overall I think that the Columbian Exchange benefited the people more then it hurt them, although the diseases had a big impact on the population decrease.
So two days ago our seventh graders took our first field trip to the zoo. It was pretty much horrible.  We saw every station like three times & we weren't allowed to eat food even when we starving!!  It was way to hot & everyone I talked to didn't have fun.  I already knew almost everything about every animal because I have been to the zoo a million times!

Today I will be writing about my favorite station which was probably the kangaroo & that is because one of my favorite teachers was running it & he is fantabulous. (Mr. Brown)  He told me to write this by the way.  In this station we had to measure our jump compared to the kangaroos & it was a huge difference!  For example, I think I jumped about 2 & if I remember correctly the kangaroo can jump either four or six! Thats a lot when your standing!!  I learned a couple little facts about the kangaroo that I didn't know before & it was one of the only fun stations.  Overall I guess the zoo was better then sitting in class but I think next year they should let us be more free & not as much work, plus they should let us eat instead of making us wait until we get back to school, because everyone was hot & hungry & bored.
The Maya empire was one of the most important empires ever in the history.  They made many achievements that effect our life today.  The collapse of Maya empire was a little mysterious & not many people know how or why, but they do have a lot of theories.

The Maya was a very smart civilization.  They all worked on individual things and then came together to make their civilization prosper.  They had individual city- states.  They made many great achievements including a calendar, which they found out that a year consists of 365 days, and they could even predict eclipses.  They also built observatories were they could practice astronomy and they played many games & developed a new way of writing.  The reason they collapsed is unknown.  Some theories are that they were to many fights against other city- states, they ran out of food and supplies for their city- state, they wanted to move and they never got to where they wanted to.  All of these theories are not proven.  Many scientists are confused because they left behind their whole city.  it is now covered in the jungle.
The scientific revolution was one of the most important eras or events that ever happened in history.  Today I will be explaining why.

The scientific revolution had many important people involved including Galileo & Copernicus & Newton & Kepler & Brahe.  All these people made our world what it is today.  Without the inventions of these genius people we would not be were we are today in discoveries & science.  Copernicus found out that our Earth isn't the center of our universe, but the sun is.  Galileo built the first telescope to help him with his studies of astronomy.  Galileo also found out that if you drop two things that are different weights & sizes they will fall at exactly the same time.  Newton identified 4 theories including the law of motion and the law of gravity.  Brahe discovered & charted stars.  Without these people we wouldnt be so advanced in sciece lik
So today I will be talking about 5 these that I would like to bring up about school.

Well the number one theses is that this school in particular expects perfection.  If you didn't do one assignment because you weren't here it could possibly lead to a horrible grade which then will lead to homework lab.  Homework lab is a very boring punishment for people who don't do their homework.  It seems as if teachers use it as a threat to students.  Whenever I miss a day I am worried about what assignments and what I missed.  If I am sick enough to not come to school I shouldn't have to worry about what I am missing.  The teachers aren't very helpful with catching you up either.

The second is that we have way to much homework.  I know every student from every school feels the same way about their school, but if you go to Computech you pretty much can't have a social life.  I can't hang out with my friends after school because after riding the horribly long bus ride home I usually only have a few hours to get homework done, eat dinner, et in the shower, and barely have a tiny amount of time to hangout with family.  

The third one is that everyone I talk to who plays sports here at Computech get worse grades no matter what.  It's not that we put less effort  into our school work it is because the teachers expect you to get it done on your own time when everyone else got to do the assignment with guided attention and help. It is not fair at all.

Another reason is that I hate having eight periods!  We already get more homework then most schools and "learn faster" then other schools, so I dont see why we need the extra stress of a computers class and another elective.  It just makes us spend extra time on things that we don't necessarily want or need! Plus we would have longer periods if we had only six classes like regular schools.

The last statement I have is that we have an older campus which is okay, but I don't understand why we can't do a little improving.  We have a super duper old gym that can't even hold the whole school and barely even the seventh grade!  If we had newer tools for education. maybe we would learn better.
Over Spring Break I will be going to the Beach & to Boomers.  I may go to other places but those are the main trips I will be taking.  I am going to go to the beach with my family and possibly my friend Melissa if she ends up coming.  I am defienetly going to Boomers with my best friend Kiana, Ariana, and Emily.  I also invited a few friends from Tenaya including Seth, Spence, Spencer and Eric & Tobin.  It should be a ton of fun because we wont have to worry about this stupid school for a measly ten days.  I love school but I hate this school.  I've never been to a school I don't like until I came to Computech.  I cant wait until I switch schools next year, but for now Spring Break is my only chance to forget about this school.
I would want to meet Leonardo Da Vinci because he had many talents including painting, sculpting, engineering, inventing and much more.  If I did meet Leonardo I would ask many questions about he learned about everything & how he manages his time to fit everything in his schedule.

I would also want to learn from him 
Today our assignment was about the Middle ages and we had to choose a subject that we want to talk about.  I don't understand why we are doing this blog because we already talked about all the major things in the middle ages,but I guess I will talk about The Black Death.

I already had to blog about the Black Death,but I will just say the same thing again.  So the Black Death is a disease brought over on trading ships to Europe by rats with rabies.  This disease ended up killing 1/3 of Europe's population.  The decrease in population not only effected Europe's future, but also the rest of the world.  The manor or feudalism system which is what they used to govern everyone was soon lost since 1/3 of the population was gone.  If the Manor System didn't fall would we still have Feualism today possibly in America?  Who knows?  The middle ages was effected greatly by this disease.
The Black death is our topic for today.  So The Black Death is a deadly plague that spread through Europe in the late middle ages.
It killed about 30% of Eurpoes whole population in a matter of months.  It spreads like wild fire, and since in that time period they didn't have medication things got totally out of hand.  They were also tightly packed in almost every city, so that didn't help either.  The black death also spread to other neighboring countries taking out millions of people around the globe.  The only thing they could do to stop the spreading is to isolate others from the Sick.  This worked very little  because they basically just stuck people in a house and when they tried to escape they could slip past, because soldiers were scared of being infected themselves.  Things went downhill from there for Europe.  They lost all control,and people started hurting themselves to rid themselves of god's sins so maybe they wont die.  Europe also lost control of their manors and property, as well as the System they used to keep peassants and others below the king in line.  Things went from bad to worse.  This legendary plague definetly made a big impact on history.  Did I mention it was brought over by the fleas on Black rats that lived on ships.  If that didnt hapen this disaster probably would have never happened.
I belong to a very respected family.  We have produced many knights that are both powerful & experienced.  I am proud of my family.  Today my uncle sends news about the war.  It is said that my country needs knights.  I am going to have to fight in the war,  but I don't know what to think.

I am a very proud person. I like to be looked up to and I want to keep up the family name.  I just don't know if I want to travel the long and dangerous distance as well as fight in a foreign land against foreign invaders.  I don't want  to at all, but I think of the upside of things, at least I will get to see new places and my parents will be very proud of me.  I have to do what I have to do, I was born to live this life.   I keep my head held high and hope for the best, because if my country or family needs me I will be there.  I am definitely scared and worried but I am also proud that I was chosen for the job among all else, I am a kid who dreams of being a knight, but now I change my mind.    I will take my position seriously and I will give my best effort. I hope I make my country and family proud.