As you can probably tell by the title this is the last free write Friday of the year and forever for me since I'm switching schools next year!!!!!!!  I cant wait until I go to my new school, because it is way better then Computech!!

Anyways so today I will be reflecting on all the free write Fridays in the year & I guess I always had different stuff to write about.  I hated having to have assigned blogs everyday from my classes so it was nice to have once a week to talk about ourselves and actually use the blog for what is was for.  So I only have a couple more days of school left!! I can't wait until it is over!  Then I will be able to have fun, not have any stress, not have to see my mean teachers & get to sleep in.  So I am very excited for the end of the year, last year I never wanted to leave my old school because it was so much fun!  All the teachers were nice & everything was perfect there, but then I came to Computech and things weren't perfect at all.  I am pretty much miserable here but my mom said I just have to stay until the end of the year & then I am leaving!!! forever!!! 
So tonight is the formal or our school calls it the evening dance, but to me t is the same ting.  I'm so excited to have fun with all my friends & look fancy and everything!  I can't wait!

I got my dress which it is super fancy! It is all black & I got black heels to go with it!  They match super cute.  And then I am making my hair wavy & pulling it back with a huge bow that matches my dress.  I am also putting on a little makeup just to give the full effect!  I am getting ready with one of my friends Kiana who is taking me & then I'm going home with three of my friends to have a sleepover afterwards! I'm soooo excited!  We will be up all night taking pictures, dancing, and eating because we get unlimited food since we paid fifteen dollars to get in.  I hope it is as fun as everyone says it is, because we are all looking forward to it, especially me.  All my friends & I are going to dance together and have the best time!  We have all been looking forward to it for a long time, and its finally here, Tonight!!!!!! I'm so excited, like more excited than I can explain!  I just hope everything goes well & it all turns out how we want it to!!
I'm so excited for next week!  It should be super fun, I have a lot of plans.

So on school on Tuesday we are all going on our first field trip and our last field trip to the zoo!!!!  All my friends are going, and even though we will ave a pile of work to do it should still be a little fun..  And then on Wednesday I have cheer!1 Which I love and then on Friday is the evening dance everyone has been talking about!  It should be a ton of fun!  I already have my dress and me and my friends are going to have a sleepover afterwards so that should be fun!!  I'm just really excited to because the school year is almost over!   We only have 17 more days of school if you count today!  So soon I will be out of this terrible school and free for Summer!  I can't wait, all my friends want out to!
I named this blog Sloth Sisters because my friend Ariana & I had a sleepover last weekend and we like to call each other sloths because that is our favorite animal.  

Last weekend I went over to Ariana's house and we had way to much fun!  We prank called people all night, did princess/mermaid makeovers, walked to Yodigity, went swimming and went shopping!  It was the most fun weekend ever!  We didn't stay up very late because we planned to do stuff the next day.  Her dog's name is Furnace, and he jumps on people a lot and he also attacks people, its really funny!  It was super fun! I can't wait to have another sleepover at Ariana's.
As you can tell I named this post "finally feeling like Summer".  I named it that because last weekend actually felt like it was Summer.  I went over to my friend Kiana's house, and it was super duper fun!  I can't wait for Summer because my friends and I have so many fun plans!

We went swimming for hours almost all day & we had tacos for dinner, and it was a taco bar so the whole kitchen table was full with toppings for your taco. It was the best ever!!  We also had cake for desert.  The day after we had a sleepover & then we went to skywalk.  It was so much fun! I wished the weekend could never end.  I felt like I would never have to go back to my horrible school.  It wasn't until Sunday night that reality hit me.  I had notes & more homework due!  I always have homework over the weekend, so I finished that and I went to  bed wishing I would never have to go to school again.  I knew I would, and I was sad, but for that one moment it finally felt like Summer.
As you know today is free write Friday & I will be talking about the formal coming up for Computech.

The formal is on May 24th, 2013 at Duncan High School .  I am excited to go because I will get to be with all my friends & get a break from all the stress at Computech.  I am planning on going with my friends Caroline, Ariana, and Kiana. And we might go with boys if they aren't too chicken to ask anyone!  I am going to go dress shopping this weekend with my friend Kiana & it should be super fun! We are going to try to get the prettiest dresses out there!  I am going to probably wear flats with my dress & then a huge group of friends, and I am going to get our hair & makeup done in a salon! I'm so excited because we never even have dances longer than an hour and a half, but this one is actually three hours which is still short but at least decent!  I just hope the 15$ they are charging because that's kind of expensive!!  I don't expect to much because our previous dances were a real let down but hopefully this one will be better! 
So yesterday was the first track meet of the season!  I recently strained my calf muscle so I was only able to participate in one event.  That was the 4x100!

We got first, but there were only two teams so It was pretty lame.  All the schools are so separated that there are barely three schools at every track meet.  Other then that it was fun!  But it doesn't matter that much because that was only a practice meet.  I am on a relay team with Kiana, Georgia, and Ariana!  It is super fun.  I think we are a super fast team, except the handoffs are pretty bad! We didn't even have tape for the track meet so we just guessed where to start off which wasn't good!  The next meet we want to be fully prepared with our tape & baton handoffs.  Another setback was that our bus was like twenty mins late!!! So we had to hurry and the person who was running the track meet forgot about our event!! So the track meet all together was pretty much a trainwreck, but our little portion was good!  Next track meet I want to be able to do more then just one event.  I am probably going to do the triple jump, the 4x100 & the 4x400!!  I am super excited for next week but I am also a little nervous.  
So I have been doing track for four years & this year will be my fifth!  I love track because there are so many options of events to choose from.  My favorites are triple jump, the two hundred, relays, and high jump.  I have been in most of these events every year since third grade.

I went to Machester last year, and they had an amazing sports program so I always did well in my events.  This year I am a little worried because I have to compete against many eighth graders & people who have better training and more experience.  Today after school I have tryouts for the relay team and I am super nervous because I am once again going up against eighth graders who focus on just track!  My favorite sport is volleyball & cheer so it's hard for me to devote as much time to track as they do.  I don't know what events I am doing yet so I guess it all depends if I make the relay or not. Chances are I wont but I will try my best! I hope I do, but I have many other choices if I don't end up making it.  Recently I got new spikes and they are pretty ugly but they work good so that all that matters I guess. They are purple & white.  I am happy I got these so I will be all set for my upcoming track meet!
So on Monday four friends and I went to River park, and it was super fun! We went and saw the movie The Host which wasn't as good as I thought it was, but other then that it was super fun! I went with my friend Kiana who also goes to Computech & three friends from Tenaya Spencer, Kassidy & Eric.  

  We were being so stupid! For example, Eric ran into the Comcast store and yelled "Congratulations!! You now have Xfinity!"  It was so funny because he like ran out afterwards and everyone in the store looked very confused!  Another thing we did was Spencer & Eric went in the little car for kids ages 3+ and they climbed on top of it and stuff! It was so funny!  Another thing we did was the guys tried on tons of girl's clothes,and it was hilarious!  And we posed in the windows of stores so when people walked by they laughed!  We also got Jamba juice and candy from the Candy Store!  So we went a little overboard and had like three feet of pixy sticks!  We also 
Over Spring Break I will be going to the Beach & to Boomers.  I may go to other places but those are the main trips I will be taking.  I am going to go to the beach with my family and possibly my friend Melissa if she ends up coming.  I am defienetly going to Boomers with my best friend Kiana, Ariana, and Emily.  I also invited a few friends from Tenaya including Seth, Spence, Spencer and Eric & Tobin.  It should be a ton of fun because we wont have to worry about this stupid school for a measly ten days.  I love school but I hate this school.  I've never been to a school I don't like until I came to Computech.  I cant wait until I switch schools next year, but for now Spring Break is my only chance to forget about this school.