So on Monday four friends and I went to River park, and it was super fun! We went and saw the movie The Host which wasn't as good as I thought it was, but other then that it was super fun! I went with my friend Kiana who also goes to Computech & three friends from Tenaya Spencer, Kassidy & Eric.  

  We were being so stupid! For example, Eric ran into the Comcast store and yelled "Congratulations!! You now have Xfinity!"  It was so funny because he like ran out afterwards and everyone in the store looked very confused!  Another thing we did was Spencer & Eric went in the little car for kids ages 3+ and they climbed on top of it and stuff! It was so funny!  Another thing we did was the guys tried on tons of girl's clothes,and it was hilarious!  And we posed in the windows of stores so when people walked by they laughed!  We also got Jamba juice and candy from the Candy Store!  So we went a little overboard and had like three feet of pixy sticks!  We also 

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