Quizlet is a website that allows you to make online flashcards.  On quizlet you can also play games that hep you memorize the cards.
We usually make a quizlet for every unit in science.  I don't normally study from quizlet because it is super boring to me,but I do study from the book.  I think we should just study from making real flashcards instead of just making online ones.  I think we could learn better,and we could learn better,and it would be faster.  Plus everyone just uses the auto define, but it isn't really teaching anyone anything.  If i had them in my hands instead of on a computer I would probably be more likely to study instead of having to take out your computer and stare at a screen and I usually get sidetracked when I'm on the internet anyways so that doesnt help at all.  I just think there is easier ways to make flashcards or to study for science, like why don't we ever just use a book anymore???? I don't know,but the book is easier and actually teaches us stuff the way it is meant to be instead of using someone else's definition.
Charles darwin discovered the theory of evoluution alongside some important cientists and a ton of research.  That will be what i'm talking about today.

Darwin went on a boat around a large part of the world  making new discoveries.  He happened to come across what is now the Gallapagos Islands and that is where he made many discoveries.  He studied Finches, which are a little bird that have many adaptions that help it survive in such a wet and humid climate.  Darwin soon found out that they had obviously changed overtime and that was what he called evolution.  He studied alongside many scientists, yet he took the boat trip alone.