Asexual Reproduction

- only needs one female or male to reproduce

- shorter time since they don't have to find a mate

- Can reproduce without the fertilization of another man or woman

I think overall this way of reproduction is better because it is easier & faster & you don't have to worry about finding a mate.  Being able to reproduce makes things a lot easier on the species & it is easier to keep the species going.

Sexual Reproduction

- needs both a female & male to reproduce

- harder to mate

- longer to have the baby

I think overall this way is obviously possible, but is way harder then reproducing asexually.  The reasons are because you have to find a mate, and the process is much longer as well as having the baby takes more time.  I think if all species reproduced asexually they would have a larger population & it would be hard to become extinct.
Today I will be talking about how our frog dissection in Science relates to the real world surgery.

Honestly I don't think these two are that alike.  The main reason why I say that is because frogs & humans have a ton of differences in their bodies & body parts.  They are also obviously different creatures.  Frogs are amphibians & humans are mammals.  One thing that was similar in our dissection was that we had to locate the body parts & be super careful.  Real surgeons have to make sure as well that they don't hurt or damage other body parts when they are working on the one they need to fix.  I also learned surgery is almost impossible!   Especially in a frog!  It is so tiny inside & its dark and hard to see what is what.  I know its bigger in a human body & they have better lighting & tools that actually help them.  Overall I know there are some similarities, but there aren't that many.