In Math class we have learned more then I remember! But today I will be talking about one of the hardest concepts for me to learn & how I ended up learning it!

  The topic I chose was Slope because because I definitely remember it being a hard subject for me to learn & it was a challenge.  I ended up learning it from my brother because I just couldn't understand what my teacher was saying.   This happened to many people in my class so I think it was the teachers fault, but anyways I learned from my brother who is in calculus & statistics and all the other advanced math in college.  He is a very good teacher & a good student in math so whatever I need help on, he helps me all the time.  Without him I would probably be failing mat right now & earlier in the year.  I would have to say that slope was one of my most challenging things to overcome in math only for the reason that I couldn't understand it in school so I had to learn it outside of school which was a little tough.

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